Archive 08/17/11 - (2)





Two fascination-faceted days have elapsed

Since last you and I stood, in elated, exhilarated amazement,

Beneath the lacework of this Eiffel-ed space between earth and vault,

Which visitors come to praise, in every language of awe,

Celebrating the sheer audacity of the human imagination to create.


Now, this beautifully blue land- and skyscaped Tuesday noon,

You and I, life-love, in the love-rush we feel gripping us,

Enter a dedicated elevator in the south pillar

And climb 123 meters, to le Jules Verne Restaurant,

Where we'll dine, with a nonpareil view of Paris's glowing mosaic.


Our hands, craving each other's affectionate beckoning,

Reach out, across the crisp-linen-covered table,

Squeeze, fingers to fingers, in gentle, passionate embrace.

"L.D., you plan everything so perfectly, make me feel so beautiful."

"I love that you can tell me this.


"I'm so glad I make you feel this happy,

And I can do it because you fill in my missing parts, complete me."

"You're my other half, too; I belong to you, completely."

Though we descend, eventually, into a present we left waiting below,

We know our affirmations linger in those rarefied heights.









08/17/11 - (2)













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