Archive 09/20/11 - (1)





Awakening into my first full cycle of twenty-four hours,

Back here, in this shore-clinging cabin,

Under the all-embracing, omniscient fire of this ubiquitous lake

I've both admired and adored, for sixty years,

Is, itself, a lifetime's benediction, in the blink of a sigh.


Imagine rousing out of an evening's sweet, dreamless drowse,

As if from hibernation in the caves of the ancient ones,

Into a world made of inexorably multiplying waves,

Each one shouldering a dazzling facet of the sun, on its crest,

Delivering its warmth to your footsteps, flesh, breath.


Gazing into the nearly-thousand-acre flame of lake,

Knowing I'm its spirit's keeper, its guardian, its namesake,

Nature's surrogate, privileged with keeping it inviolate,

I walk into the blaze and am not immolated

But bathed, purified, illuminated, my soul stoking its life-light.







09/20/11 - (1)













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