Archive 09/20/11 - (6)





All but three hundred people,

Of the thousand who swelled this village,

Have migrated southerly.

Only a few geese, mallards, mergansers,

And two winter-brown common loons

Have yet to set their courses.

Spiders, dragonflies, water striders,

Even the pestiferous mosquitoes,

Have abandoned their summer stations.

Deer, bears, foxes, minks, beavers

Have faded into the silence of shadows.


Yet here am I,

In my inconspicuous presence,

Saying hello to their unheard good-byes,

Assuming their territories —

I a species that thrives on contrariety,

Seeking peace, harmony, tranquillity,

In my dialogue with quiet,

My camaraderie with solitude,

My outdoors search, inside my soul,

For something deeper

Than wisdom, vision, transcendence.










09/20/11 - (6)













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