Archive 10/20/11 - (1)



On My Own



Now that both my parents are gone,

The world I've known is taking on a new afterglow,

One not nearly as shimmeringly blue or soothingly golden,

Rather shaped in soft, ever-so-nuanced shadows,

As though my lenses have begun occluding,

So that even my sweetest memories of childhood

Seem to be slowly, inexorably dimming,

With each kiss time breathes across my eyes . . .

Memories existing as if disconnected from the reality of me.


And when that metamorphosis finally finishes,

What I'll likely discover, to my unsubtle bewilderment,

Isn't only that I've been left behind

But that, despite close blood ties, devoted friends,

I'm on my own, all alone,

With only my knowledge, discretion, to guide wisdom,

Keep vision from disappearing into twilight's chiaroscuro,

My heart's dreams from fading, when I wake up.

It's then that I'll wish my mom and dad had just met.









10/20/11 - (1)













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