Archive 11/02/11





The sexes are wrecked, from without and within,

By discrepancies so recklessly exploited,

Neither female nor male of the species Homo sapiens

Emerges from the perpetual melee unmolested,

Rather bleeding to death-in-life,

For all the predictably unforeseen reasons and rhymes,

Doing legal battle with each other's "people,"

As if compromise, reconciliation, forgiveness, court order

Might obviate mutual assured destruction.


Why is it that, in His infinitely generous omniscience,

God couldn't instill, in the genders, respect for each other,

So that Adam and Eve and all their hapless generations

Could have avoided the ponderous consequences

Of their transgressions against His forbiddings,

Ceased their egregious distrust, their selfishness?

Imagine a planet of unconditional love. I can't.

We'd still seed rotten-apple trees, eat ourselves so sick

As to require worldwide his-and-her quarantine.























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