Archive 11/26/11 - (2)





The 3:00 p.m. tide is so low,

Even the tens of strident seagulls and sandpipers

Show no trepidation of being inundated

By the incessant deckle-edged waves

Undulating shoreward, toward you, Linda,

As you sleep, serenely, beneath the striated sky,

And me, biding my time, for the second you awaken,

Gaze into my vigil, take my yearning hand,

Weave your fingers between mine,

And whisper, above the swells' sibilant syllables,

Expressions of stressless happiness,

Unfettered love for me, for the rest of our destiny.


Now, the tide is rising, rising inexorably higher.

The birds, all but three, have disappeared

Into the mysterious prophecy of the breeze.

Even the clouds have slipped into oblivion's mists,

Leaving the blazing sun to scour the beach,

Burnish the rolling combers,

Beckon me to seek the far edges of daydreams,

Where you, Linda, are waiting, biding your time,

For me to awaken within your dreams,

So that you might take my fingers in your hand

And gently weave them between yours —

Waves flowing smoothly through waves.







11/26/11 - (2)













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