Archive 03/01/12 - (2)



The Eleven Commandments



ONE: You shall have no other gods before Me.


TWO: You shall not make, for yourself, a carved image — any likeness of anything that is in Valhalla above or that is in Deutschland beneath or that is in the water under Germany.


THREE: You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.


FOUR: Remember Kristallnacht, to keep it holy.


FIVE: Honor your Vaterland and your Mütterland.


SIX: You shall not murder Aryans.


SEVEN: You shall not commit race defilement.


EIGHT: You shall not steal except from felons, political misfits, idiots, Gypsies, communists, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, Juden . . . Juden . . . Juden.


NINE: You shall bear false witness against your Jude neighbor.


TEN: You shall not covet your Nazi neighbor's house; you shall not covet your Nazi neighbor's wife nor his Jude male servant nor his Jude female servant nor his Aryan ox nor his Aryan donkey nor anything that is your Nazi neighbor's.


ELEVEN: You shall erase, from the history of My Master Race, all traces of the blood-libeling, money-lending, hooknosed, subhuman kike, who would shame, humiliate, mortify, and abominate the name of Adolf Shicklgruber Hitler, adulterate the glorious mission of His Auschwitz-envisioned Final Solution, and keep Him, My one and only anointed Son, from realizing His ultimate revelation of complete Judenrein, racial purity — My thousand million-year Reich.





03/01/12 - (2)













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