Archive 05/12/12



Into the Waves


This cloud-crowded Hollywood Beach Saturday afternoon,

At the seaweed-strewn, breeze-breathing shore,

A continual cascade of rough-and-tumble white-frothing combers

Invites itself into our shaded space,

Where we've claimed a miniscule sandy expanse

So close to the tumultuous ocean,

We can feel its urgent throb surging in our arteries.


Now, we walk down to the edge,

Let the climbing wedges of white wetness caress our legs,

As they beckon us into their boisterous sand-and-kelp mesh,

Intent on anointing our souls, with their spirits,

Calibrating our tides with the cadences of their beating hearts.

We kiss, then tentatively wade into our future,

Hoping the waves' glory will marry us to their euphoria.

























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