Archive 05/31/12



Something Abrupt


At my malaise-phage-susceptible age of eighty-eight,

An abrupt change in the way I distance myself from society

Is apt to catastrophically compromise my brain —


That is, the manner in which I conduct my daily business

Of outlasting the rigorous tribulations and torturous trials

Flashbacks of Sobibor and Dachau yet impose, on my soul.


If only I'd figured out, even decades after being liberated,

How to let go of loneliness and depression,

Existence might've unburied my perished spirit, from its hole.


Could it be that my survivor's life, this mere enduring,

Is, after sixty distanced years, a tribute to the Jewish faith,

If for no other reason than it just is?


All I know, in the guts of my Old Testament scrotum,

Is that though I'm still living, breathing, grieving,

Something abrupt is about to erupt. I see the oven opening.

























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