Archive 06/13/12






Often, in extended or suspended moments of aloneness,

When loneliness mires me in the nightmarish fires of my psyche,

Reminds me of what it must have been like, during the Holocaust,

For entire families to be segregated, separated, wrenched apart,

Sent crawling, clawing, screaming, shrieking, to disparate destinies,

Without warning, mercilessly, just for being who they were: Jews,

An entire "race" bearing all the filthy stigmata of Christ-killers . . .


Seemingly even more often in these later years than in my youth,

I resort to a morbid, grotesque, ghost-riddled preoccupation,

In which I focus on composing verse about innocent European Juden,

Hitler's chosen, singled out, for extermination, to purge his nation,

Elevate his supremely deserving people to the pinnacle of racial purity,

Bequeath their generations, in perpetuity, an orderly Weltanschauung

Born of the Teutonic, Aryan virtues of Third Reich perfection . . .


Resort to writing frightening poems that inter me, in pain,

Their pain, their terror, their intense rending, reaving, ravaging,

And I realize that the separation from family, friends, I experience,

In my spells of desperate loneliness, is their separation

Or, if not, a palpable, visceral approximation of their suffering,

Which, with naked sympathy, genuine empathy, I feel for those Jews,

An interbeing that connects me with those hope-stolen souls,


Lets me descend the depths of their sequestration, alienation, isolation,

Ever with a sense of caution, moderation, breathless measure,

Knowing that my moments of desolation never deliver me to death,

Rather privilege me to bear artistic witness,

Testify to the interconnectedness of our minds, hearts, spirits, souls,

Which renders me, every time, cleansed, no longer alone . . .

Until the Night of Broken Glass again shatters my mended loneliness.



















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