Archive 06/21/12 - (1)



Memories of the Future                                                                


Spending our days suspending time, from a golden chain of memories,

Would be an altogether fine and worthy avocation,

Were it not that our aging spirits rarely slow down long enough

To allow our hurly-burly souls

The diversion of looking back, over the moments' shoulders,

To contemplate and discern, in our age-blurry past,

Those glinting laurels, garlands, chevrons, pennants, medals

We might still yearn to return to, wear on the uniforms

Which identified us as who we thought we were destined to be,

Before our dreams gave way to fate's mediating ukases . . .

Were it not that both of us are still too damn fascinated

With gazing into the youth-blurry future waiting for us to catch up,

As if the hours remaining might be the most highly prized, decorated . . .

Were it not that we yet read eternity, in each other's memories.








06/21/12 - (1)













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