Archive 06/24/12 - (1)



So Late So Fast                                                 


"How does it get so late so fast?" you inquire, tonight,

Just as you have, in a kindred fashion,

For the past week of crisp-breathing northern-Wisconsin days,


At sunrise, prior to twilight, or as we're about to douse the candle,

Head for sleep's shores, where resident dreamcatcher-spirits

Wait to accompany us, to the deepest tangles of shared memories.


While we stare into each other's tired eyes,

Realizing the hours have left us questioning their question mark,

Neither of us can infer so much as a speculation, from the rarified air,


Or reflect an uneducated guess or even release a perplexed sigh

As to where gossamer, diaphanous, spider-web time flies

When retiring from its awareness of our surprise at its evanescence.


And even in bed, lying cheeks to chests to thighs to toes,

We can only surmise that time must hide everywhere, at once,

To keep from being captured, keep us vital, while we keep chasing it.














06/24/12 - (1)













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