Archive 06/25/12 - (3)



Driving Away                                    


Now, we make one final circuit of Lake Nebagamon's downtown,

From our cabin, over East Waterfront Drive, toward the Dairy Queen,

Passing Lawn Beach Inn, the Auditorium,

Then north, on Lake Avenue, to Ole's Country Market,

Continue west, along P, toward 53 North,

Soon to reach Superior, Duluth, the airport, off Haines Road,

Leave this land of pine-scented silence and tranquil lakes behind.


This is just how it inevitably is and indeed must be,

Whenever journeyers, after reviving their souls, go home.

And as we follow P, driving away from our ten-day retreat,

You describe the childhood memory that's surfacing, right now,

In which you, your sister, and your parents are driving away

From the Green Valley Farm resort, near Tennanah Lake, in the Catskills,

Where you've basked, all summer, in its natural wonder . . .


Describe how, at eight, you're hunched up, on your knees,

Beside four-year-old Marlene, who's oblivious to your emotions,

As you peer out the oval backseat window of your dad's '51 DeSoto,

Weeping inconsolable tears, which you try to conceal,

By wiping your face, with your hands, drying your sadness, on your skirt,

Tears identical to the ones glistening your cheeks, right now,

Tears which are blurring my vision, as well.










06/25/12 - (3)













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