Archive 06/27/12



"Yes" and "No"                              


I guess "yes" is the best redress for a vote of "no" confidence,

Just as confessing to trespassing on another's largesse

Best expresses one's most honest expectations for exoneration.


On the other hand, putting one's best foot firmly forward

Can often result in taking a step backward,

Leaving prints in dusk's dust, leading to dawn's past indiscretions.


As for me, if you were to ask, all I could attest to is this:

A good "yes," under certain adverse conditions, has its bad attributes,

But so can "no" go both ways — negativistic and salvific —


Depending upon which levers and pedals of God's hot-air detector

One slams into reverse or jams to the floor, with his shitkickers.

As they say, you can only have it both ways.
























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