Archive 07/03/12



Knowing Better                


This warm June evening, eating on the deck of Lawn Beach Inn,

You and I join hands, at a table overlooking the swimming area,

Witness a gathering of teenagers still playing in the cool water,

And toast our glorious nine-day stay at the lake,

Our wineglasses raised to the muted, yet blazing, sun,

Both of us taking turns saying loving praises for this village,

Grateful for having been anointed with its natural beatitudes.

Our dinner finished, two hundred steps take us back to our cabin,

Where we gather our spirits, around the kitchen table,


Light our balsam-fir candle, unfold the cribbage board,

Reset the pegs, from the positions of their last skirmish,

Get out the deck of cards and shuffle the stuffing out of them,

Then prepare ourselves for a spell of battle royale,

As we settle in for our last night in this source of joy,

Where time has shown us great respect, by leaving us alone,

Letting us grow younger, by the breath, the heartbeat, the kiss —

Two kids whose intuitive wisdom teaches them to know better

Than to ever be coerced into learning how to tell time.


























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