Archive 10/08/12





Yesterday is yet with us, a living vision of ecstasy,

In which I and you, Linda,

Serendipitous benediction of these past three years,

Are strolling, heart in heart, along Milwaukee's waterfront,

From the Harbor House restaurant,

Where we just finished sumptuous Sunday brunch,

Past the glorious, audaciously modernistic art museum,

To the marina, abob with yachts waiting to be placed in dry-dock,

For the duration of winter's chilling desolation . . .


Strolling, step for step, breathing in, deeply,

The bracing fifty-degree air breezing down from the cyan sky

Keeping its eavesdropping eye on tranquil Lake Michigan,

Both of us confiding, to each other, love-praises,

Exclaiming how lucky we are, sharing our intimacy's partnership,

Especially now, when time is shifting its attention from us,

To our children and their blessed progeny,

Who will keep our living visions of ecstasy alive,

Whenever they ask us what we think, dream, feel, believe . . .


Strolling back into our present senses, home again,

Yesterday yet near us, with us, of us,

As we focus all our hope on all our tomorrows' tomorrows,

Knowing that forever will, always and ever,

Coalesce in our wholly devoted spirits and souls,

So that even in days after the passing spans of our grandchildren,

We'll continue to exist, resonate,

Our blood pulsating in the veins of the lake's waves,

Coursing from their source, to the shore, where we'll stroll again.





















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