Archive 10/10/12



Glowing Shadows


I awaken, this October 9 rain-dark Wednesday a.m.,

Into a shapeless awareness that, soon, way too soon,

The morning will draw me away from you, sleeping soul mate,

Your satin-smooth naked body lying beside me . . .

Will force me to brave the breath-vaporizing outdoors,

Step through drifts of soggy fallen leaves,

And take to the early-empty suburban road leading to work.


But for a few, way too few, precious minutes, seconds,

I cling to you, whispering love's song of songs,

Listening for your tender adorations, in endearing response,

While our fingers and tongues and toes

Explore the deepest reaches of our emergent emotions.

Now, the clock speaks to me, with inaudible exhortations,

Waiting to embrace my inchoate shape.


I step into the hall, follow the yellowish flickering glow

Skittering across floors, ceilings, and walls, from the kitchen —

The light lifting from a Yahrzeit candle I lit, last night,

To venerate my mother, who left life, one year ago.

Before I leave through the garage door,

The candle's soft shadows guide me back to the bedroom,

Where I breathe my soul into your deep breathing.
























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