Archive 10/13/12 - (2)



In a Moment's Moment


From the peaceful solitude of Seiwa-en,

I've been, for an uncommonly long spell, gone.

My bones and being let my sleepy soul know this,

As I settle onto a wooden bench, shaped like a futon frame,

Anchored on a slight rise overlooking a basin of dying lotuses,

Where I've delivered my tired, slowly traipsing body

To a fully supine, meditative cessation,

With a mind full of breezes drifting down from the crowns of trees,

Singing komori uta to this fallbound Japanese garden.


On arriving, today, at this sublime, sequestered botanical shrine,

I possessed no idea, nor did one possess me,

That my soul might be so very lonely for this quiescent balm,

The calm of the cosmos enfolded into this hallowed location,

Craving the tranquillity that breathes existence into this sanctuary,

Invites animals and plants and mankind

To be inspired by the essences of abiding reverence for life,

Which thrives here, night in, year out, like a haiku

Residing in a moment from the end to the beginning of time.












10/13/12 - (2)













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