Archive 10/31/12



Turnip Truck


Once upon a twice-told tale of heroics and woe,

A brave, courageous shmuck/craven putz/crazed klutz,

A grade-A, class-C shmegegge, shmendrick, shlimazel, shiker-lush,

Fell off the proverbial turnip-truck dushegubka he was driving

(A Meals on Wheels loaded with chicken soup and gefilte fish for the soul),

He, Adolf Shicklgruber Ben-Gurion,

Heading for Hölle's Kitchen, located in Heaven's Auschwitz ghetto,


And tumbling down a vast ravine called, fondly, by the locals, Babi Yar,

That lowly, noble pretender to mankind's hallowed Hall of GoodEvil,

Soldier of goodbad fortune, came to rest, in a rats' nest

Seething with the Gott-awfulest stench of rotting human flesh

Erupting with the gaseousness inherent in porcine black putrefaction —

A somewhat deflating and shameful comedown for a man of such promise,

Who, to this day, doesn't even remain as a footnote to history,


Lest one can gain Internet access to the disambiguation of his spirit,

Which, on closer inspection, appears to yet exist, algorithmically,

As a viral home video, downloadable on YouTube,

For the price of a few deft-fingertip keystrokes or mouse clicks . . .

Which still discloses the idiosyncratically toothbrush-moustache madness

That drove Herr A. S. Ben-Gurion to drive that turnip truck south,

On the northbound autobahn, racing toward the Promised Land.


















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