Archive 11/07/12





This late Wednesday afternoon, a day after suffrage suffered surfeit,

Precisely at the ping-ping-ding-ding-ring-ring of my e-mail's inbox,

I received three ebullient, red-exclamation-marked communiqués

From friends of mine, natives of Geneva, Paris, and Amsterdam,

Congratulating me and the United States — Earth itself —

On the glorious election victory of Barack Obama over Mitt Romney,

Who, apparently, is their embodiment of the Satanic Prince of Lies,

The incarnation of a potentially world-destroying monster

Resurrected from the apocalyptic pages of St. John's Revelation.


And what a soberingly shocking surprise it was to me,

To realize that, apparently, all the world is looking to us, the U.S.,

Hoping to take their cues, for their own future,

From the choice that we, here in our melting-pot odyssey,

Made, keeping in power, for another four-year term,

A president half the country sees as a jungle bunny, jigaboo, coon, "boy"

And whom all the GOP had hoped to lynch, in full view of GOD,

To cleanse the stench and black stain he's left on their lily-whiteness,

Replacing the uppity nigger with an ivory job Creator, bottom-line Messiah.


Tonight, I ruminate on last evening's monumentally historical event.

How do I e-mail my foreign friends that yes, the president was reelected

(Via an arcane electoral system that nobody understands)

But only won the popular vote by three million out of 120 million ballots

And that while Planned Parenthood, Big Bird, and Obamacare are safe

And, apparently, China, Russia, and Iran are "off the table," for now,

Evangelicalism, misogyny, and xenophobia are already inflaming their base,

To make sure that their next savior will be crucifixion-proof

And that the White House will once again live up to its name?























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