Archive 07/01/08 - (2)




On this first day of July,

Assaulted by intimations of time

And upstaged by my parched tongue,


I'm led to water, by a herd of four horses,

Only to discover, to my mortification,

That there's no water for me to drink,


Not because it's been polluted by hog-farm runoff

Or poisoned with toxins

Being pumped from chemical-processing plants


But because a universal drought has dried it up,

Caused Earth's primal fluid to evaporate,

Rise through a hole in the ozone,


Turn into ice crystals haloing the sun,

Creating a rainbow dousing the solar fires

That keep the planet's flora and fauna alive.


Now, on this first day of July,

I can see the sky growing dimmer, darker,

Sense existence being sucked from my pores,


My spirit shriveling, withering,

My soul letting go, returning to the heavens,

To take its place amidst the constellations.




07/01/08 - (2)






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