Archive 07/03/08 - (2)


Black Nemesis


Today, as I raised my treadmill elevation and speed

While at the fitness center I frequent

Six, sometimes seven, days a week

And watched, on an overhead TV,

A reporter, in Fargo, North Dakota, interview Barack Obama,


I couldn't help but feel a certain sorrow

For the well-intentioned Democratic presidential candidate,

Witnessing him squirm, finger his hair, distractedly,

Listened to him nervously defend his slightly modified Iraq policy

Of removing our forces within sixteen months of his taking office,


Withdrawing two battalions a month,

Until America's over-abused stop-loss troops

Are unequivocally disenfranchised from Bush's folly,

That war waged preemptively, unilaterally,

On no more conclusive evidence than a handful of fool's gold:


WMDs that never existed,

Other than in the far-fetched paranoid conceptions

Of a handful of malevolent Beltway wimps and weenies

Sublimating their inadequate sex lives into a war,

To prove their dysfunctional manhood wasn't all blanks, duds —


Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, Wolfowitz, Libby, Armitage, Feith,

George Dubya, that insufferable village idiot

With the medieval talent for alchemizing culpability into martyrdom,

That rarefied gift of transmuting mendacity into truth

And making the citizenry worship it, him, as if he were Jesus.

Tonight, I commiserate with candidate Obama,

The strangest of strangers in the strange land of the free,

A black man roaming this intolerant evangelical limbo,

Hoping to rescue our civilization from blight.

And all I can say, even in the presence of the enemy,


Is that he gets my praises, for grace under pressure,

If for no other reason than that he dares to castigate bigots,

Put a face on the mob mentality

That would lynch his campaign out of existence,

As he tries to save white America from its black nemesis: fear.





07/03/08 - (2)






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