Archive 08/13/08 - (2)


Heck of a Job

Face it — with Alfred E. Neuman still in the Situation Room,

At the helm of the good ship What, Me Worry?,

I must admit I'm more than a little scared shitless.


After all, isn't this the guy — Benjy Compson —

Who's changed the way mankind utters and receives wisdom,

Mouthing those unforgettable words, immemorial phrases:


"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream";

"Brownie, you're doin' a heck of a job";

"I looked into his eyes and saw his soul. He's a good man"?


Why, just today, our messianic golem-robot, Dubya XYZ,

With the able-bodied assistance of his rabid pit bull,

Who goes by the twin pet names of Dr. Cheney and Mr. Hyde,


Dispatched a smidgen of our military (currently mired in Iraq,

Afghanistan, South Korea, and God only knows where),

To shepherd humanitarian supplies, by C-17, to Tbilisi, Georgia,


Directly in the cross hairs of "Vladimur" Putin's Cold War troops,

Recklessly putting our soldiers in harm's way —

Sitting ducks in a "nucular" sideshow shooting gallery —


Aggravating an already extremely iffy critical mass,

Pressing our luck, with a certifiably maniacal miscreant,

Antagonizing a monster into whose eyes the world has looked


And seen not a good man (let alone a soul)

But the visage of an anti-Gorbachev sociopath — evil incarnate —

Sporting a port-wine-stain "666" on his receding hairline.


Blimey! Sacrebleu! Merde! Egads! Gadzooks! Fuck me!

Sunova Beach! Holy shit-on-a-stick! Jesus P. Christ-on-a-Crutch!

Now, what do we do, Brownie? "FEMUR," do you have a clue?





08/13/08 - (2)






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