Archive 09/20/08 - (1)


Lake Magic


Though I've been at the cabin not quite three days,

The lake's abracadabran incantations

Have worked their magic, on my brain.


Already, I can take the waves' temperature,

Record the fever chart of their heart,

As though I were measuring my own blood's heat,


Read between the lines of passing clouds,

Deciphering the primeval strata of the planet's existence,

Which contain dreams my being has deposited,


And translate the most minuscule sparkling of stars,

Recreating, from the celestial palimpsest,

A history of every moment in the annals of agelessness.


Yet what will remain for me to ascertain,

When I leave these shores, next week,

Is whether these newly gained powers will persist


Or dissipate to the point where I can't even see,

Let alone conjure, waves, clouds, stars,

For the black magic of the city's malevolent spells.





09/20/08 - (1)








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