Archive 09/23/08 - (2)


Having Our Ways


From late last night,

Right on through this dull-gray Tuesday noon,

The wind has been an engine roaring, throttle open wide,


While I've hidden in this groaning, creaking cabin,

Satisfied to let it take the brunt of the lake's frontal assault,

And ridden out this persistent rain, without complaint.


With nowhere specific to go, no place I have to be,

No mandates to comply with, no reservations to arrive for,

What difference could my sublime submission possibly make?


Days like this have been strangers to my frenetic life,

Far too few, to have even eluded memory.

In truth, their existence, over my sixty-seven years, is a fluke.


So if, after all this wasted haste I've left in my wake,

I choose to call a halt to the hours,

Stay holed up, gazing at the roiling lake, the blustery sky,


I'm going to damn well do as I damn well please,

Proclaiming, This is my time, my freedom, my entitlement,

To achieve enlightenment, just by letting the day have its way!






09/23/08 - (2)








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