Archive 09/29/08 - (3)


The End of Days


I used to believe, feverishly, fervently,

That 666, Revelation's sign of the beast,

Was the most mortifying of all portents,

In this world and in the one that would come.

But with today's apocalyptic debacle —

The House's scuttling of America's bailout —

I now see that the stock market's 777 drop

Supersedes anything history's ever seen,

Makes a reasonable case for Armageddon.


Will all economic activity seize,

Turn desperate borrowers, paralyzed lenders

Into urchins roaming streets

Whose offices, shops, cafés are shuttered,

Going about the only business left: begging?

Who can possibly guess the outcome

Of this inchoate global crisis of confidence,

When not a single soul on the planet

Sees that his own greed is the beast?





09/29/08 - (3)








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