Archive 10/22/08 - (2)


Toy Trains


Who am I, this vague night,

When my adult life collides with adolescence's Plasticville,

Decreed, by Joshua Lionel Cowan, into being,

An eclectic electric-train century ago,

Forty years before I was born, just prior to World War II?


Why should I, how could I, possibly know,

Possess the slightest insight into,

The chemistry of Charlotte and Saul's physical relationship,

In those Tojo/Hirohito-Hitler-Mussolini times,

When they conceived me, out of love or lust?


I can only surmise, from the dust of those silent seas,

That I was begotten on the shifting winds of whim —

A gleam-in-the-eye child was I.

Indeed, that I'm here, tonight,

I owe to kismet, serendipity, bashert, luck of the draw.


Randomness played the major orchestration

In the coalescence of my essence,

The fact that my ambiguous spirit yet flourishes,

While Saul is in the grave and Charlotte peers into it,

Craving a warm, loving embrace from her husband.


Tonight, when I drift back into my solitude,

Should I wash up on the shores of Nowhere Evermore,

Will I be reborn, out of the fate that married my parents —

A boy again, into another accidental life,

Where toy trains never cease circling the cosmos?






10/22/08 - (2)








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