Archive 11/14/08 - (3)


Sharing Responsibility


Is it possible to spend almost twenty years with someone,

Anyone you think you know intimately,

End up feeling shortchanged, cheated,

And yet not be insightful enough to implicate yourself,

In the two-decade deception — love's delusion?


I'd like to think not.

After all, each of us who enters into a relationship

Should be sufficiently humane, compassionate,

To accept half the responsibility for a catastrophic failure,

Be willing to concede defeat, with humility,


Not self-righteous hostility,

Moral indignation worthy of a dethroned king or queen.

At the least, both parties should retreat, in ignominy,

Into doleful anonymity,

Spend the rest of their loneliness longing, lamenting, repenting.








11/14/08 - (3)








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