Archive 12/02/08 - (2)


Dark Lovers


Tonight, my psyche is visited, haunted, seduced

By the Hindu goddess of time and change, Kali,

As well as the Greek god of death, Thanatos.


Why this anomalous conflation of mythologies and deities

Has collided with my memories,

I can't begin to tell you, though I desperately want to.


Perhaps it has something to do with the forest fire

That ignited, seventy years ago,

And grotesquely scorched, blackened, all of Europe,


Before banking the last of its human embers,

At Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, Bergen-Belsen, Chelmno —

So very close to finding the Final Solution...


And maybe not. Possibly, my brain is on fire,

Alive to some new influence capable of changing its mind,

So that it might discover its own solution, to time.


Could it be that the Holocaust never really happened,

That Kali and Thanatos were dark lovers,

Who never seized me, never tattooed me, never burned me?





12/02/08 - (2)












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