Archive 12/04/08 - (3)


Horse Manure


Publicly elected Congress,

Why are you giving GM, Ford, and Chrysler such a tough time,

Just as you did before you gave Lehman Brothers the boot —


A decision of such colossal stupidity,

In light of the fact that you underwrote two other ailing giants

(Quasi-government-featherbedded Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae)?


What can you odious, filthy, imbecilic, immoral Yahoos

Possibly be thinking, in your minuscule cerebral hemispheres,

Risking the collapse of the nation's entire middle class,


When, in on-the-public-record fact, in the past three months,

You've voted to extend a $700 billion bailout

To prestidigitators of mortgage-based credit-default swaps,


Who bought into the colosally insane "probability"

That the American economy would keep gorging on its greed —

A bubble made of Silly Putty that could expand infinitely?


Tonight, as I watch the Big Three hearing, in the Senate,

I cringe, wince, shiver, imagining the imminent outcome:

Our feculent Yahoo leaders allow our automobile industry


To rust away, into rank-and-file oblivion,

Taking with it one out of every ten jobs in this country

And, ultimately, any chance for an economic recovery,


Leaving us in a perpetual state of irreconcilable savagery,

In which we're all reduced to the level of our leaders —

Ignorant Yahoos relegated to eating horse manure.







12/04/08 - (3)












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