Archive 12/15/08 - (2)


Your Name


And then, one frigid night in mid-December,

When the wind chill dropped to fifteen below zero,

Something bizarre, wholly unprecedented, occurred:


For the life of you, you remembered your name,

Remembered who you were and where you came from,

Why you yet retained a place in the universe.


For the death of your dysfunctional spirit,

You hadn't been able to posit a viable purpose

For your presence in a world that couldn't care less


Whether remembering would ever again take precedence

Over whoever you believed yourself to be,

No matter what your destiny decreed...


Until that frigid night in mid-December,

When you found the ghost of your nameless soul

Floating in a disembodied zone of anonymity,


Terrified for your imminent death,

Praying that it might impede your demise

Just long enough for you to recall your name,


From its ancient Mesopotamian origins,

All the way back in the time of Avram of Ur,

Before forgetting your name became life's requisite


For assimilating, eluding perennial inquisitions, pogroms,

Emigrating from shtetls, surviving death camps,

Reaching safe shores, in America and Israel.


That frigid night, you unremembered your forgetting,

Repossessed your disowned past,

By remembering your name.






12/15/08 - (2)












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