Archive 12/16/08 - (2)


A Better Paper Clip


And here I am, in all my swaddled, newborn glory,

A recently arrived lamb of Jesus Christ,

A blessed incarnation of the Savior Himself,


Come, in the flesh and in the bone-marrow DNA,

To save man from peccatus -a -um

(As Latinized in fourth-century Universal Church dogma


Guiding civilization, morally, ethically, theologically,

For the past two millenniums, in the paths of unrighteousness)

And to shepherd what's left of his piety, his decency,


Bequeath him the protocols of a life lived in Christ Jesus,

Despite the single flaw in the divine plan:

He was of Jewish origin and genes conceived, unimmaculately,


By means of a mere penis and a common vagina

(The Good News I bring to the rest of spawning humanity),

Delivered breach and as a hybrid mutt, to boot —


Oh, you know, mixed marriage, assimilation,

Son of a yid and a blond-haired, blue-eyed Teutonic shiksa,

Child of a verminous German Jew and a Nazi hausfrau.


And here I am, on Earth, to right mankind's wrongs,

Impose order on his barbaric soul,

Bring apostates to their knees, make them kiss my big toe.


Because Jesus, long ago, ceased being a mensch,

I'm supplanting that off-again/on-again carpenter,

Building, from the slivers of His crucifix, a better paper clip.




12/16/08 - (2)












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