Archive 02/17/09 - (2)


Petition for Redemption


Don't remind me —

Just don't dare remind me — that I'm dying,

Dying a slow death, an inexorable demise.


And for the life of me, whatever You do,

Don't inform me that death is forever.

Tell me it's a way station on being's trek,


A mere detour through no-man's-sands,

As I head homeward, toward heaven,

Going at the speed of flickering firelight,


Because if You don't,

You who hold, in Your hand, my destiny,

You who, alone, can redeem my frangible soul,


You'll mortify my timid spirit,

Discourage it from progressing, despite fate's odds,

Dreaming the sleep of the ages, awake.


Listen to me!

Take pity on my paltry existence. Don't assault it.

If You must, afflict me with Your mercy,


Permit me to persist, prevail, kiss Your lips,

Whisper, in Your ears, my wisdom,

That I might, if possible, add to Your omniscience,


Enlighten You, with my blessed prescience.

But if You determine to chastise me, turn aside,

I'll understand, accept Your rebuke, die contrite.


Tonight, that death is on my mind, I can't deny.

Breath is difficult to come by; my heart is slight.

Whatever You decide, I'll comply,


Not even bother to ask why.

But if You decide not to remind me that I'm dying,

I'll be You, all the rest of my failing days.








02/17/09 - (2)












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