Archive 04/03/09 - (1)




When the price for perfection gets intolerably, agonizingly high,

What does your garden-variety OCD guy or gal do?

Typically, he/she presses ahead, on all ninety-nine cylinders.


Indeed, what's the alternative?

Failure? Disgrace? Humiliation? Self-flagellation? Suicide?

Face it, for people who do not know how or when to say no,


Saying no is just not a viable option to "Yes, I can, must,"

Any more than stopping the heart, to give it a breather,

Would make breathing any easier, existence any less restive.


So it's damn the torpedoes, pedal to the metal, banzai, 24/7,

For your Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder folks,

Regardless the cost to their health, social life, emotional stability.


No other choice you might have has a tongue, a voice,

And if it did, it would have no teeth, to reinforce its mandate

To slow down, be satisfied with a job not always quite complete,


For owning up to that ubiquitous, inevictable truth: human error.

Trapped, you withdraw into your whirlpool's relentless vortex,

Which drains into a never-disappearing abyss.







04/03/09 - (1)












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