Archive 05/07/09 - (2)


Traveling Abroad


This warm early-May Thursday evening in St. Louis,

Were I not dining alfresco, savoring Beaujolais-Villages,

At a neighborhood café, completely at peace,


I might be dreaming of being in Venice or Paris,

On the floating deck of a ristorante or the patio of a bistro,

Overlooking the Grand Canal or the River Seine.


As it is, I suffer no qualms or compunctions, no regrets.

It's comforting, to be so close to home,

Knowing my entire trip is just one evening, in duration,


At the modest cost of a meal, an appreciative gratuity,

And a few pennies' worth of fuel,

To return to my pristine bedroom, undefiled privacy.


Who would believe traveling abroad could be so easy?

All you need is a pocketful of vicarious wanderlust

And the poet's imagination, in your portmanteau.










05/07/09 - (2)












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