Archive 07/28/09 - (2)


Tone Poem for the Rain


The soothing splashing of susurrant tires

Guiding their homeward-heading vehicles, this 7 p.m.,

Through the various configurations and labyrinths

Of wet streets, four-way intersections,

Reminds me of symphonies, fugues, concertos, motets

By Mozart, Beethoven, Resphigi, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff,

Brahms, Liszt, Dvorzak, Berlioz, Copland, Mendelssohn, Bach,


Awakens me to the gentle dripping of twilight's slow drizzle,

Sprinkling the quivering leaves of the Bradford pear trees

Lining this restaurant's patio (vacated, save for me),

Baptizing them, cleansing them of their earthly imperfections,

Blessing their sacred shapes, with its fragrant embrace,

Inviting me, my divine mind, soul, to compose a tone poem

For the rain to perform, for me alone.








07/28/09 - (2)












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