Archive 08/03/09 - (2)


Tonight, I Hear a Loon Wail Twice


Just now, I hear a loon wailing twice.

"How can you?" you'd ask, with puzzled demeanor,

Were you sitting with me, on this St. Louis patio,

A twelve-hour drive, at least,

From the lakes of northern Wisconsin and Minnesota,

Where those beautiful primal creatures summer,

Raise their young, before migrating south.


And I'd not pause, in shaping my joyous answer:

"Because those haunting wails,

Echoing elegiacally, calling me back,

Are as much a part of my universal being

As my blood's, brain's, and heart's pulsations are.

They're my waking and sleeping dreams,

Oracles prophesying my life's infinite peace."














08/03/09 - (2)












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