Archive 09/21/09 - (1)


Monday Sunrise



I: 6:30 a.m.


Morning starts at night's dark margins,

Giving up, grudgingly, its nocturnal privacy,

To widening striations of red, orange, and white,

Just above the eastern tree line of maples, oaks, and pines,

In the vicinity of Bumble's Bay.


The only sounds, for miles of shadowy shore around,

Are the caw-caw-cawings of crows,

Five of which, midlake and high, in formation,

Are chasing a pair of frantically honking Canada geese.

Soon, two bald eagles fly overhead, sunrise bound.


Now, the gray stratus cover has begun to dissipate,

While the sun comes inching into sight.

I watch, with rapt and awed amazement,

As that orange sphere ignites —

A fire raging at the edges of a cloud-enshrouded prairie.


Within seconds, a majestic spectrum of brightening light

Paints the space above the bay, with glory.

The blazing star breaks through,

Proclaims itself lord of the morning sky.

Witnessing its coronation, I shiver, from its heat.


II: 7:00 a.m.


The price of admission to daybreak

Is just wishing to bear witness,

Then being here, on this dock,

At the anointed minute —

Commencement of the sun's ascension.



III: 7:10 a.m.


Within ten minutes,

The dazzling corona has risen high enough

To cast its fiery orange swath

Directly across the lake's surface,

From its perch in the eastern zenith, to me,

Seated here, by myself, in mesmerized silence,

On the end of this dock,

Knowing that if I so choose,

I can climb that swath, into the sky —

All the way from right here to the horizon,

Where the sun is burning off the clouds —

Without my disappearing into the dark side of day.


IV: 7:15 a.m.


Five minutes later,

Though the eastern bay of Lake Nebagamon

Is bathed in layers of ivory, gold, pink, and orange,

The furiously blazing ball

Is hidden within the gray overshading of cloudy welkin.


The fluid, dynamic, quiet sky is regal,

Suffused with a solemn dignity no one can know,

Who never ventures out of sleep,

To see, feel, intimately, his small piece of Earth

Come awake, come alive, come closer to eternity.







09/21/09 - (1)












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