Archive 09/21/09 - (3)


Face to Face



I've been up since well before sunrise,

Measuring the weather, scouting out clouds,

Counting the lake's metered waves,

Chipmunks and squirrels scurrying,

Spiders, flies, moths, gnats, ants, and bees stirring,

Noting the lack of mosquitoes, geese, loons,

Tracking red maple leaves, to record their destinations.


This enthralling, fall-defying seventy-degree afternoon,

Seven hours past day's immaculate break,

I have no doubts at all

That anywhere else exists.

How could it, conceivably, for someone like me,

Who's gazed deep into these immortal North Woods

And seen nature's face, face to face?











09/21/09 - (3)












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