Archive 11/10/09


So Help Me God



So help me God, the truth, the whole truth,

And nothing but the truth

Couldn't be farther from the truth, as I see it,


Since truth, by its very nature,

Raises questions as to its very veracity,

The second anyone says, "Let me be honest."


That one and its cousin and stepbrother —

"To be honest with you" and "In all honesty" —

Raise red flags, for those who fear being bullshitted.


Truth, if truth be told,

Is about as far away from a trustworthy covenant,

Be it by word of mouth, gentlemen's agreement,


Handshake, or notarized affidavit, contract, codicil,

As is a snake-oil salesman's personal guarantee

Of an if-not-satisfied-lifetime-money-back warranty.


So where does all this leave me?

If you're asking me, the truth of it is

That truth's about as untruthful as I've always been.



























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