Archive 01/03/10





Now that I'm back in St. Louis,

After being gone twelve days, in Wisconsin's North Woods,

Having not yet stepped foot out of the airport,

My heart turns as nervous as an IED

Buried just beneath my arteries and veins.


I feel as though the slightest tremor, temblor, breath

Could detonate my soul,

No matter the armor my psyche's wearing

To protect me against the furies society mercilessly unleashes,

Which mean to force me into conformity.


Having had not even seconds to forget the liberated rapture

The wilderness engendered in me,

I step tentatively, knowing my agitated heart

Can't take excessive vibrations, survive a detonation,

As I ask myself why in hell I chose to come back.


What justification there might conceivably be,

For my idiotic, slipshod decision to return to civilization,

I may never formulate, and even if I were to,

What difference would it make to the cosmos?

All I know is this: if I don't retreat again soon, I'll explode.
























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