Archive 04/21/10


Afghan-Style Stalemate


Results from a recent survey in Afghanistan

Yielded straight-from-the-donkey's-mouth statistics

That capture this feasibly reconcilable contradictory gist:


Given the option of continued fighting against the Taliban,

Kandaharis, by a margin of nineteen to one,

Would choose negotiations with the enemy,


Five of six, in the same poll,

Calling the Taliban insurgents "our Afghan brothers,"

Four in five saying that, given jobs, the jihadists would quit.


On the other side, irreconcilably dooming the issue,

Are the Taliban themselves,

Who vehemently decry any desire to pursue peace talks


With the corrupt puppet government, NATO, the U.S.,

So long as foreign troops remain in their nation...

Who are fiercely gearing up for a massive summer offensive.

























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