Archive 06/29/10 - (1)




By the time the white near-full moon materialized in my eyes,

Lifted sufficiently above the trees on the opposite shore,

Eluded the Rorschach blots of black clouds

Scattered across the star-stippled patches of deep-indigo atmosphere,

And shone through the sky's lacy openwork,

It must have been closer to midnight than 10:27,

And I was too overcome, with what I'd seen, to speak even to myself.


Clichéd adjectives like "exquisite," "magnificent," "majestic,"

Hackneyed words such as "breathtaking," "mind-blowing," "awesome,"

Platitudes on the order of "incredible," "astonishing," "gorgeous"

Yielded up nothing poetic, nothing even remotely meaningful,

With which my feckless lexicon might satisfy its desperate desire

To describe the pure, simple beauty of such a quintessential event —

The shimmering energy of a primal sphere illuminating the universe.


Indeed, when I finally surrendered to my nagging need for sleep,

Well into Tuesday's still, chilly, early a.m.,

I'd come to accept, with inutterable frustration, my colossal inadequacy,

Recognize that some things can only be felt,

Relegated to the domain of the emotions, as unadulterated sentience,

The joy, delight, passion, rapture that stays vital in the blood,

Long after it ceases fertilizing the body's glorious dust.










06/29/10 - (1)













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