Archive 08/15/10 - (1)



Listening to the Rain



Soft, steady Adriatic summer rain

Sings its sweet harmonies in our astonished eyes' ears.

We listen to the intricately dripping simplicities of its glissandi,

As it benignly guides us inside,

Where we linger in San Marco's Byzantine Gothic recesses,

Beneath the five gold-and-blue mosaic-inlaid domes

Pressing the basilica's earthly weight heavenward,

Circle within circle rising out of never-ending seamless circle,

On a free-floating lightness of spirit we two mere people engender,

From the energy our clasped hands render holy,

Just by their vowing never to let go of this moment,

In which we sense God getting to know our souls,

Investing us with the intimacy we beings must possess

If we expect our essences to cast off our ghosts,

Breathe with the rain's incarnate heart, beating,

Beating softly, beating steadily, with ours.











08/15/10 - (1)














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