Archive 12/14/10



Common Earthworm


If only you could be born again,

Reborn in the transformative shape of a benign being,

Something on the order of a common earthworm,

A slender, wriggling, segmented conduit of response,

Blind, deaf, mindless,

A creature completely at peace with its surroundings,

Tunneling not so deep in the ground

As to lose track of timelessness's dark night

Yet far enough below the surface to avoid the light...

An essence of the ultimate serenity God envisioned

When He gave birth to humanity,

In all its original innocence, original sin,

Planned the parameters of peace and terrible despair,

Raised, ennobled man and woman,

Only to let them fall, disgraced, return to the worms,

Which transform their shapes back to dirt.






















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