Archive 01/01/12



Ten Minutes


To be standing, barefoot, on the shore of a roaring sea,

At ten minutes to midnight, on New Year's Eve,

Amidst a diaphanous, fifty-degree fog

Embracing the artists'-colony aura of Laguna Beach,

Is to listen to the clepsydra of the universe

Tuning its oceanic whole- and half-soul notes, to human time,

Measuring our existences against its infinite ebb and flow.


Every other hug and kiss, we consult your phone's clock,

To check the progression of chill, wet minutes

Guiding us toward the naked creation of the new year,

The pulse of tumultuous waves beckoning us to caress them,

Embrace them, in our embrace,

Both of us vowing never to let go of our love,

Promising to be here, next year, at ten minutes to forever.





















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