Archive 02/08/12



One Mind



Is it conceivable that the time we artists have been allotted

For our life forces to evolve their élan vital

Isn't determined by earthly quirks, fleshly regressions,

Circumscribed by inflexible death's morbid strictures,

But is, instead, open-ended, closureless, infinite,

Defined by our minds' insatiable craving for creativity,

Their immeasurable desire to emulate God's divine design,

One note, brush and pen stroke, footstep, and gesture at a time,

In the desperate hope that their quest for the source of our essence

Might succeed in locating the core of imagination's fire,

Become suns illuminating our all-too-human universe,

With music, paintings, poems, dances, and plays,

Thus extending our duration indefinitely,

Making our psyches accessible to endless generations hence,

For anyone wanting to get to know our souls intimately,

Study, contemplate, meditate on the inspired manifestations

Of our brains' amazingly innovative matrices?

All I can do, in the days that remain for my fate to celebrate,

Is pray that the verses I compose find God predisposed

To reading deep into the eye of my creativity

And realizing that He and I are of one mind eternally personified.



















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