Archive 02/27/12 - (1)






Meandering, hand in hand, fingers intimately dovetailed,

We take refuge in each new weekend

As though it were a forest waiting for our exploring souls

And every arboreal green being, preening thing,

Growing within its singing, sweet-fragranced purlieus,

Were a seedling of life eternal,

Rooted in the most fragrant duff and loam known to earth,

A sacred forest-tree being born, being borne skyward,

To be our teacher, our mentor, our guide,

Leading us through daylight's confusions, complications, ambiguities,

Which we'll be asked, by the forest-fates, to reconcile,

As we differentiate between passable paths and tortuous portages,

On our way toward fading twilight's quietude,

Before we lie down, side by side, in sleep's primal embrace,

Beneath the tree's peace, serenity, gentleness, sublimity,

Which will feed our breathing dreams, with lingering fantasies

That we'll bring along, in our imaginations' portmanteaus,

Whenever daybreak beckons us

To enter, again, the forest-chorus of shadows, songbirds, scents,

In search of the next weekend we're destined to reach, together,

Both of us grateful to be leaves of the forest-tree,

Elated that our names are carved in its safeguarding bark.







02/27/12 - (1)













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