Archive 05/10/11



Naming It


I've been kicking around the idea of addressing it as Mr. Death,

But I don't dare dignify that hubristic "it"

With such a respectful moniker, nickname, appellation, sobriquet.


Indeed, it would be a more existentially appropriate personification

To call that nasty, third-person abstraction

A big, fat, hairy asshole or nasty son-of-a-grizzly-bear bitch,


Decidedly more fitting to label it St. Mark's Square pigeon shit,

Public fuckup numbers one through six hundred sixty-six,

Crass, fascist, classless-act bastard, dead-end deadeye Dickhead.


In the best of all worlds without end,

I'd have no extreme-unction occasion, no el moley rachamim reason,

To venture even a salutation toward such a diehard-on tyrant,


Since the entirely absurd idea of passing away, buying the farm,

Never would have occurred to the Maker;

He simply wouldn't have given birth to Jesus's unholy-ghost twin.


But as it is, I must at least devise some demeaningful title

By which to denigrate that agent of decease, defunctness,

That obnoxious buggerer, to distinguish it from all other bad "it"s.


To say that I disdain, spurn, contemn, despise, scorn death

Would be an undertaker's craven gravedigger's understatement.

Truth is, 103% percent of me, myself, and me is terrified of dying.


And yet, what options might I write, put, call, exercise,

Other than to name it a cocksucking, mother-butt-fucking cunt? that you knocking on my chest...Mr. Death...sir?





















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