Archive 05/31/11 - (1)



So Happy


The denouement of our trip is a mixture of visit and mission.

We're here, in Milwaukee, to see your eldest son, Clai,

At his women's clothing store, Luci Boutique,

Located two doors from his men's shop, White Star,

On North Water Street, in downtown's trendy, renovated Third Ward.


Though frenetic, for tending to customers trusting in his taste,

He's not too busy to help you select tops and dresses

That reduce your actual years, by half,

While matching your beauty to that of his youthful clientele.

At 12:30, the three of us leave for a photo shoot.


Clai's creativity allows for no limitations.

He and his new friend, John, a professional fashion photographer,

Have invited us to his studio, on nearby Ontario Street,

Hoping we'll consent to letting him capture relaxed poses —

Nose-to-nose close-ups of us gazing eye-into-eye, kissing inextricably.


For forty-five minutes or so, lost, liberated, in our front-lit rapture,

We embrace, smile as if all our yesterdays were today

And right now were coalescing with every tomorrow we'll ever know.

Occasionally, Clai lends, to these focused moments, tender approval,

Commenting, once, "I've never seen my mother so happy."


Later, we catch up with Clai, again, for twilight dinner,

In the Harbor House restaurant, nestling Lake Michigan,

Where we discuss his and John's forthcoming book of love portraits,

Which will include one of those we posed for, today —

Who we were when we were peering deep into who we were then.







05/31/11 - (1)













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